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Welcome to the Fiscal Services department!

Our mission is to support our students in attaining the highest levels of academic excellence through outstanding stewardship of district resources and responsive support for all district priorities and personnel. We derive our goals directly from the VESD Basics.

As we support you, we strive to always:

  1. Provide outstanding customer service that is responsive, respectful and timely;
  2. Work as a supportive team that embodies the best each of us has to offer, utilizing cooperative strategies to enhance our end products;
  3. Engage in consistent and intentional professional development to enhance our skills, engage in best practices, and remain current in all relevant regulations;
  4. Pay diligent attention to Federal and State law including the California Ed Code, IRS Guidelines, GAAP Fiscal Standards, and District Internal Control Procedures;
  5. Engage in creative thinking to ensure our services, while following necessary regulations, are more than rule driven in order to provide alternative solutions as needed; and
  6. Exemplify the VESD Basics as a tool to guide us in the continuously developing world of education.

We are dedicated to cultivating a family-oriented environment that encourages professional and personal growth, supporting each other through challenges as they arise.

It is our pleasure to support the Mission and Vision of the Victor Elementary School District in all we do.


lisa loop
Lisa Loop
Director of Fiscal Services


Jackie J
Jackie Jauregui
Business Office Manager